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Something similar to Progress Bar of Life
The only thing I do know in that direction is BgInfo from Sysinternals.
Does that satisfy you?-KodeZwerg (August 15, 2023, 05:33 PM)
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No , it is not the same . PBOL is a productivity software for reminders.
:-* :P-Contro (August 18, 2023, 01:12 PM)
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Your screenshot showing me system statistics thats why I showed you also system statistics, maybe my eyes getting bad :P
please be very clear-Ath (August 18, 2023, 03:31 PM)
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In what language is PBOL develop.
I ask to know if is possible to determie possible modifiers in the command line.
In what language is PBOL develop.
I ask to know if is possible to determie possible modifiers in the command line.
-Contro (August 20, 2023, 04:55 AM)
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You're again/still asking the wrong questions, and not telling us what you actually want to achieve... makes it very hard in trying to help you.
The problem is solved
I am using the task scheduler to create a simple task with this .bat
@echo off
TASKKILL /IM ProgressBarsOfLife.exe /F
cd "O:\Mis documentos en O\SOFTWARE GESTION\ProgressBarsOfLifePortableACER"
rem ver si aquĆ puedo aplicar el comando close
START "" "O:\Mis documentos en O\SOFTWARE GESTION\ProgressBarsOfLifePortableACER\ProgressBarsOfLife.exe" /MAX
Best Regards.
;D ;D ;D ;D
Something similar to Progress Bar of Life
I found something similar I forgot to say, but not enough for me. PBOL result the winner in compare.
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