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Main Area and Open Discussion > N.A.N.Y. 2024

NANY 2024 - Network Adapter Info by KodeZwerg

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In that case I think it would be better to term it as 'installed' rather than 'connected'.

W.r.t. to NICs, connected usually means a network connection, in the case above 'Ethernet 3' is installed but has no network connection.

I tried.
Appear the black window of a console. And data.

How can I obtain an inform in a txt file or something ?
 :-* :P

I tried.
Appear the black window of a console. And data.

How can I obtain an inform in a txt file or something ?
 :-* :P
-Contro (November 13, 2023, 03:16 AM)
--- End quote ---
You can pipe it to store result into a file.

How to:
open a command line and switch to folder with AdapterInfo.exe
type "AdapterInfo.exe > AdapterInfo.txt" (without quotes) and press return, wait a little and press again return, when the caret is after a prompt, the operation is done.


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