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MS Edge non-enterprise 64 bit exists?
Thanks for the info. I installed the 64 bit version from an .msi and didn't notice a difference. So you must be right. I have to admit Edge is my default now. I had a kludge hotkey program to copy selected text, then paste it into a word processor with a large font to make reading tiny text possible. Now I just select the text and use the Immersive reader thing. Much better. :Thmbsup:
Edge non-enterprise versions:
I have never been offered the Enterprise version, (once installed, you never go there again, because of the automated updates), so please report back if my link is wrong.
Microsoft Edge 64 bit downloads keep bringing me to the Enterprise Edition. If I am running Windows 11 Home edition isn't that overkill? Seems like it should not be this tough to find out what the deal is. I wonder if the preinstalled version is lugging around too much database crap. As I update it seems to get less stable. So for now I have done the updater wammy similar to Opera. Namely renaming the update exe file so that the About Box arrow spins forever.
Anyone have insight to simplify the issue?
-MilesAhead (April 07, 2023, 09:37 AM)
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It's microsoft so there is alot of telemetry and whatnot in the background slowing it down. (in all fairness, most other companies do it too)
But fear not, someone made a hosts file to block the tracking.
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