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Alomware Toolbox looks interesting with alot of tools

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 - re Hardware footprint:

[...] I contacted support about the PC ID and they replied that it's just a hardware hash [...]it's just to stop sharing of a purchased unlock code with others, which makes sense from an anti-piracy standpoint.-BarryG (September 17, 2023, 04:16 PM)
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I eventually bought a license (my UserID is rjbull and I am a sofwareholic).  The author said they'd been ripped off right and left with earlier programs, and this was the only thing that helped them make money.  Shame, but one can't blame them.

I look forward to a version of the Help file that has a chapter on Automation...

Sure Alomware does have interesting tools, but it does not have event triggering from app monitoring in the toolbox. It is rather nice though, and maybe they could have something like a program monitor in the future as it is in beta.-luvnbeast (September 19, 2023, 06:57 AM)
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What do you mean by "event triggering from app monitoring"? I looked but can't see anything obvious in the app that might relate to that. :huh: Your best bet is to contact them with any ideas because their website says they're open to suggestions.

I got a Google alert about this post. I am a user of this app and yes, it's very handy. No negative experiences that I've had. So yeah, just wanted to say it's worth it and I can recommend it. Ask me any questions if you like and I'll do my best to help.
-BarryG (September 17, 2023, 05:13 AM)
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@BarryG I realize some time has pasted, but I would be interested in learning more about how you use it.  Also how did you get a google alert about this post?
Thanks for going the extra  step and joining.

I have not played much with Alomware. 

You can set up Google Alerts at

So I've got alerts set up for various topics that interest me. AlomWare is one, so I don't miss any updates or discussions about it (mainly on their subreddit).

I mainly use AlomWare Toolbox to automatically position my windows where I like when they open, and to type things for me like my email address. I also use it for reminders, screenshots and clipboard history. The screenshots feature is good because it OCRs text with each shot, so I can search them later by the text in them if I need to.

I've also got a dock set up with it to show some pre-chosen apps and folders to open when I click the bottom of the taskbar (see the attachment).

Other stuff too but I won't go into it all here (too much to type).

I'll always advocate AlomWare Toolbox because it does what you ask, plus a million other automation things. It really is an excellent piece of software once you get into it.


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