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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Alomware Toolbox looks interesting with alot of tools

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Hi Deozaan. To be honest, I didn't try attaching an image because it was my first post, and most forums prevent that; so that's why I did an Imgur direct link. I'll actually remove it now, since it's done the job of showing I'm not a bot.

due to prior experience with images breaking over time, we prefer images to be attached and embedded in the post itself rather than linked
-Deozaan (September 17, 2023, 04:27 PM)
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An advantage of docx and databases over md files :)

Sure Alomware does have interesting tools, but it does not have event triggering from app monitoring in the toolbox. It is rather nice though, and maybe they could have something like a program monitor in the future as it is in beta.

due to prior experience with images breaking over time, we prefer images to be attached and embedded in the post itself rather than linked
-Deozaan (September 17, 2023, 04:27 PM)
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An advantage of docx and databases over md files :)
-Dormouse (September 18, 2023, 11:59 AM)
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Hmm...a counterpoint to the "markdown for everything" movement that I had not considered.

Hmm...a counterpoint to the "markdown for everything" movement that I had not considered.
-irkregent (September 19, 2023, 12:27 PM)
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I've switched all my note-taking with images to docx (also considered odt & rtf).
I tend to save images with a descriptive name and date+time stamp - so all are unique.
I'm usually quite disciplined and have a DAM.
But even so

After using Obsidian & Tangent notes with their vault/workspace systems for some time, I realised that workflows with images were high friction or liable to break (depending on the vault/workspace I was in). The high friction system involving saving/naming the image and using a link to that. Rarely worth it for a note. So I switched and now no friction.

At the end of the day, markdown is a text format. In the long term, I think virtually all links with images will break for nearly everyone.


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