Software > fSekrit
Beta: fSekrit 1.3 beta thread
If i use this "Make read only" entry
in an exe which was created from the original exe
i get the following error in this daughter exe:
Steps to reproduce:
1.) original fSekrit.exe
2.) make an new r/w exe
3.) oben this new r/w exe
4.) press "Make read only"
5.) modify the content a lil bit
6.) use [X] to close
7.) Dialog "do you wanna save" -- yes
8.) Dialog: "Error. File is read only"
Small suggestion: How about adding a right click context menu for copy, cut and paste functions. Sometimes they're more useful than the keyboard shortcuts.
-Eóin (September 18, 2006, 05:31 AM)
--- End quote ---
Ah, yeah, my younger brother mentioned that too - I thought that was standard RichEdit functionality, but appearantly I'll have to code it myself. I've added it to the ToDoList - as a low priority item, but it's probably easy so it should be done for 1.3 :)
AbteriX: I left "New" enabled since it can be useful to make a new note, without the hassle of downloading fSekrit from the internet. Password could be cleared on "New", but that wouldn't change much - after all, people could just re-enter that password after making a new note. I *did* disable import and export :P
I'll think a bit about it though. Anybody else have comments on "File->New"?
File->readonly will now be grayed out after setting read-only, added in beta-2 (will make some more fixes before uploading a new beta).
Your "Save as read only" is a good suggestion, and will get around some stupid problems, like the one in your latest post. Obviously I didn't test it extensively, hence: BETA. Thanks for giving it a bash!
Wow, after a long lull you're all about editing fsekrit -- makes me happy.
I agree that a save as read only function would be a good idea -- but to keep from being locked out of your files, you'd need an option to re-enable editing (password entry required). This would probably be handy anyway.
These ideas are probably extending beyond the intended scope for fsekrit, but I'll throw it out here anyway--what about the ability to optionally set a secondary read-only password. Entering it would open the file in read only mode, so you could share the data with others at your discretion without giving them the ability to edit it.
Edit I spoke too soon, it's already been brought up :P
allen: spare time and energy/motivation comes and goes, and what I need is the intersection of the two... fortunately I seem to be in a good period :)
You won't be locked out of your notes since you can copy text from a read-only and paste to another app. Removing the ability to copy would be a somewhat artifical limit, people with access could just manually copy the text (painstaking, but possible).
The idea of an EDIT and a READONLY password is decent enogh, but that's a very artificial limit as well. After all, I have plans on opensourcing fSekrit at some point in time, and then it'd be easy for people to bypass ReadOnly. You really should think mostly of it as a "convenience".
Small suggestion: How about adding a status bar ? :P
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