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[Fun Video] Do you remember THIS guy?

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Do you remember THIS guy?
Here he comes back in his new movie (stil the old story, but great)

And here is a video showing the game in original (if you ddn't know it already):
Super Mario Bros speed run part 1 without using warps
I see there levels i never have reach  when i play this  :P

Or watch the
Super Mario Bros Race

If you're once there, you'll find an another video and an another...
I am back in the '80s?


Here i found the SMB sound as wav file...for my reminder proggys:


Here is this game to play (non tested..., the other game/side i had in mind is unreachable)

despite the techincal difficulties, it's still a joy to watch.  :up:
it just goes to show you how influential the "super mario brothers" game and nintendo were.
ps. if you don't know about that video game this video is gonna seem awfully dull..

That's a very amazing piece of work :-*


Anyone see the McDonald's commercial that ripped those college kids' idea off?

Both videos are available there from Joystiq.

EDIT: Farther down in the comments people mention how commercials similar to this have been going on since before Gordon College did it.

Comments #18 and #19 claim to have seen it in the past or concurrently. #18 commenter says it was seen in 2000 or 2001, while #19 (among others) say that Nintendo has been advertising New Super Mario Bros. in the UK in a similar way:


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