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Need ur advice! Which language to learn.

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Hello folks, i am really quite puzzled and don't which way to head first.
But i have taken course in Udemy for Python.
Need ur advice! Which language to learn.
I have comepleted the course but it left me with a scratch on my head.
I thought what could i do with it.
But let me tell u, what i want to do with learning to program.
First of all i want to make interactive GUI application for various needs.
I want to start it off as a hobby, there are quite a good number of courses in Udemy but now they don't offer
discount. But that is not the problem. But i don't know which to start of with.

But i have few application like 32bit Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 right now which is a C++ program.
So there is also one called C#. So C#, C++, Java, etc etc which should be the easy way out.
I personally want C++, because i had learned it on my School days and now i am 42 yrs old.
I really don't have much free time. But it wont be forever.
So can some experienced person suggest what are the needed language i should go for and what should i keep in mind
before diving deep in it.

Much thanks for ur time. I know i am not a geek, but i have free time. Maybe like Python i wont be able to do anything with C++.
Any suggestion.

Quick answer from a C++ coder.
Given your desire to focus on GUI stuff, I think C# would be a better choice than C++.

C++ is great for people who need to squeeze out maximum speed, but really wasn't designed for GUI stuff, and it shows.
C# has more modern elements and is much more friendly to GUI development.

Quick answer from a C++ coder.
Given your desire to focus on GUI stuff, I think C# would be a better choice than C++.

C++ is great for people who need to squeeze out maximum speed, but really wasn't designed for GUI stuff, and it shows.
C# has more modern elements and is much more friendly to GUI development.
-mouser (July 25, 2022, 11:11 AM)
--- End quote ---

I have to agree with Mouser.  I lost interest in VC++ when they started pushing "xamarin" UI stuff.  It is more like web design with tags than Windows programming.  C# is similar to Delphi Rapid Application Development.  The guys from Borland must have coded it for MS.  Even the forms are named "TForm1" when you create them.  Just like Delphi.  Plus you can find freeware controls written by programmers who will let you use them freely in many cases.  Definitely more fun than VC++.

I'm learning Rust and enjoying a lot.

i really want to make a application that i can translate local language to my native language.
Of course according to history, there were no native from the place where i belong.
But our community's language is seriously getting lost in modern times.
So i think my choice of language would be C# (C Sharp) yeah!

Anyways could u guys tell me, i have Visual Studio 2017 and whenever i create a new project, it has the option to
create a Visual C# project, so! My question is; Is Visual C# similar to C#, or could i code in Visual Studio 2017 the way C# is meant to be coded.
I hope it is understandable, i will rephrase that again, whatever compiler i use according to Udemy's instructor, could i use VS 2017 to write C# codes.


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