Software > The Getting Organized Experiment of 2006
Suggest Questions for our interview w/ Mark Forster (Do It Tomorrow Author)
Mark Forster, author of 'Do It Tomorrow' (DIT) and 'get everything done' (GED) agreed to be interviewed.
We will have a set of twin interviews with David Allen and Mark Forster, who could arguably be the current top two time management gurus. Some members of this forum are using both GTD and DIT systems (with some doing hybrids).
So do you have questions you'd like us to ask him, about DIT or time management in general? Please post them here.
i'm just catching up with the most recent posts as i've been away so i don't know what else you've been discussing yet. whilst away i read Forster's 2nd book 'How To Make Your Dreams Come True'.
this 2nd book seems to contradict the first and third books that Forster has published - i'd like to know how he resolves the conflict - does he even think there is one?
does he consider that his third and most recent book 'Do It Tomorrow' is the only one that offers 'correct' guidance as it supplants the previous two books - or does he not think it does and they can all be treated of equal importance?
great subject for discussion nudone; i think one of the things those of us who have read the latest forster book is his willingness to say, this worked, this old idea didn't, and let's think about how to fix it. so i think it would be useful to talk to him in depth about this - about ideas that have turned out to be not so useful, and how he goes about experimenting, etc. i think he may be one of the best people to talk to about our experiment and get his advice on how to look for ideas that work, etc.
i won't go into it now but the second book confused me - made me question the whole self-motivation 'business'.
don't get me wrong - there are things in it that i think would be very useful. but if you want to read the antithesis to 'Do It Tomorrow' then read 'HTMYDCT'.
(might be better if you just don't read it.)
Sounds like a very interesting subject to ask him about.
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