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Freeware images to video


How can I obtain an mp4 or similar with images. No need audio. The most simple.
Best Regards
 :-* :P

You have a lot of images that you want to turn into a video?

I have often taken a series of screenshots and converted them into a timelapse video. I have instructions written for myself so I wouldn't have to figure out how to do it every few months when I was doing game jams. Ignore the part about Chronolapse and just use XnViewMP (if needed) and ffmpeg:

You have a lot of images that you want to turn into a video?

I have often taken a series of screenshots and converted them into a timelapse video. I have instructions written for myself so I wouldn't have to figure out how to do it every few months when I was doing game jams. Ignore the part about Chronolapse and just use XnViewMP (if needed) and ffmpeg:
-Deozaan (May 28, 2022, 01:14 PM)
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Seems difficult for me. I would like a simple program for doing all.
 :-* :P

Seems difficult for me. I would like a simple program for doing all.
-Contro (June 01, 2022, 02:29 AM)
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If you're using Windows 10 (or 11, I assume), you can use the built-in video editor app to do what you want.  If you can't figure it out, I can make a tutorial.

Seems difficult for me. I would like a simple program for doing all.
-Contro (June 01, 2022, 02:29 AM)
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If you're using Windows 10 (or 11, I assume), you can use the built-in video editor app to do what you want.  If you can't figure it out, I can make a tutorial.
-skwire (June 01, 2022, 02:14 PM)
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:-\  Perhaps is not necessary the tutorial. I'll try.
 :-* :P

In w10 spanish is the app Fotos. Works very well. Thank you a lot !!!!!  :-* :P


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