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IDEA: simple quick'n'dirty alarm

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I'm sorry I don't know if there is a better place than this in these forums where similar help requests can be posted, so please forgive me and point me to the right forum. Btw, what I want is someone fixing this little script for me, as I can't see where the bug is. Simply I'd like a script where I manually edit the alarm time, and it beeps when the time is passed. It loads fine, no error messages, but it just doesn't work. Thanks in advance, and please don't forget to tell me which is the right place where to post help requests on little coding snacks which probably are not fresh "ideas" and could already exist somewhere...

--- ---;Alarm.ahk

alarm=2030 ;alarm time (hhmm)
checkevery=59000 ;time between checks in ms


If (now>=start)

If you just want something that works, why reinvent the wheel?  Would MicroEggTimer do?  When it times out, it keeps beeping until you make an effort to stop it.

Thanks, but it's not what I want. I want an AutoHotKey script so I can change it as much as I like, depending on the situation.

Mainly, I want to use the PC speaker as alarm output, but I want to fine-control the frequency and the repeating cycles of the beep, and change them easily (i.e. editing the script). And when I want to play a wav file instead, I should be able to, having an editable ahk script. Moreover, I don't want the app in the taskbar, so it doesn't bother me when I press Alt-Tab: the ahk script solves this issue too.

The one I've posted would be the best for me, but there's something which prevents it from working, so I ask here help to fix the bug, as I am sadly a big fan of AutoHotKey, but a very beginner in scripting for it ;)

I want an AutoHotKey script so I can change it as much as I like
-insert_nick (September 12, 2006, 06:36 AM)
--- End quote ---

I wondered if you might...  Why not ask in the AHK forums?  That seems the logical place for scripting queries.

I think that all that should work, although in one of the last lines you should have:

--- ---SetTimer,CHECK,On instead of

--- ---SetTimer,CHECK,%checkevery%,On


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