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INIalaContro.ahk - AutoHotkey script to generate Launcher.ini


Surprise release! (Not even I knew it would be finished today :))

--- Code: Autohotkey ---; INIalaContro.ahk; Made for: Contro; Thread:; ; Author: publicdomainvic; License: CC0 1.0 Universal - Public Domain Dedication; Website: ; Get folderFileSelectFolder, FolderFolder := RegExReplace(Folder, "\\$") ; Open Launcher.ini for writefile := FileOpen(Folder . "\\Launcher.ini", "w `n") ; Write headerfile.WriteLine("[General]")file.WriteLine("numRows=25")file.WriteLine("numCols=9")file.WriteLine("[Titles]") ; Set paths arraypathArray := Array() ; Loop files and foldersLoop, Files, %Folder%\*.*, FD{ ; Split the pathSplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive ; Process lnk and urlSwitch A_LoopFileExt        {        Case "lnk":                FileGetShortcut, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, OutTarget                file.WriteLine("Title" . A_Index . "=" . OutNameNoExt)                pathArray.Push(OutTarget)        Case "url":                IniRead, ExtractedURL, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, InternetShortcut, URL                file.WriteLine("Title" . A_Index . "=" . OutNameNoExt)                pathArray.Push(ExtractedURL)        Default:                file.WriteLine("Title" . A_Index . "=" . OutNameNoExt)                pathArray.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath)        }} ; Print pathsfile.WriteLine("[Paths]") ; Loop paths array for writefor index, element in pathArray{    file.WriteLine("Path" . index . "=" . element)} ; Close the filefile.Close() ; Advise userMsgBox Launcher.ini created!
INIalaContro.ahk file attached.

 ;D :-* :P

Running to try !!!!!1


I think you are specially inspired !!!!!!!!!!!

 :-* :P

Glad you liked it :up: I'm happy to help :)


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