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IDEA : Musicians Random File Selection

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:Thmbsup: Fantastic!
-Beth UK (January 28, 2022, 02:08 PM)
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Yeah, think at least three (3) releases for the month can be worth a "New Apps" thread in the section.

Oh! One last thing. How many random files should be selected by default? (your personal preference :up:)


Beth UK:
Oh! One last thing. How many random files should be selected by default? (your personal preference )
-publicdomain (January 28, 2022, 05:39 PM)
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Ideally, option to select 16, 32, 48, 64. This is because the hardware I use (Novation Launchpad, Atom SQ and Atom) are all based on a grid where multiples of 8 are the norm. However, "8" is rarely enough for me! Depending on the musical context either 16 or 64 are most common.

Edit: Let's say 16 as default, with option for 64

Beth UK:
Vic, maybe this idea for basic GUI

- Option to select number of files to be randomly selected
- Display list of selected files with preview for each file
- Option to keep or discard file
- Option to re-random (run again) unmarked files
- Option to save final selection in sequentially numbered folder in source folder

Thereafter all processing  and organising done within additional software

Vic, maybe this idea for basic GUI

- Option to select number of files to be randomly selected
- Display list of selected files with preview for each file
- Option to keep or discard file
- Option to re-random (run again) unmarked files
- Option to save final selection in sequentially numbered folder in source folder

Thereafter all processing  and organising done within additional software
-Beth UK (January 28, 2022, 07:00 PM)
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Got it!

It's coming :Thmbsup:

Beth UK:
Looking great Vic!  :Thmbsup:


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