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IDEA : Musicians Random File Selection
Without a doubt - tags :Thmbsup:
-Beth UK (February 16, 2022, 03:27 PM)
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Tags it is! :up:
(BTW, we'll feature-freeze v0.1.0 during last week of February to add it to releases thread. New improvements "bump" version number up according to regular semantic versioning afterwards... When you consider features are complete then we can begin to call it first version officially --up to you to say when apps' features are done so we can announce it around :))
Beth UK:
(BTW, we'll feature-freeze v0.1.0 during last week of February to add it to releases thread. New improvements "bump" version number up according to regular semantic versioning afterwards... When you consider features are complete then we can begin to call it first version officially --up to you to say when apps' features are done so we can announce it around )
-publicdomain (February 18, 2022, 03:37 PM)
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Sounds good looking forward to playing with tags.
Tags can be tricky with WAV files as they do not always conform in the way that MP3 or FLAC do. Hoping this won't be a problem :up:
Sounds good looking forward to playing with tags.
Tags can be tricky with WAV files as they do not always conform in the way that MP3 or FLAC do. Hoping this won't be a problem :up:
-Beth UK (February 19, 2022, 03:43 PM)
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Let's see it in action then! It's all up to taglib-sharp's performance.
I'm implementing it to feature-freeze & officially release v0.1.0 to close this February.
(We can surely continue updating the program, this is just a formality so to speak. The current focus is on "booting" a monthly releases stream toward 52+ releases per year and rebooting our Patreon... We have more than enough time ahead for the apps to grow & reflect requirements perfectly :) Cheers!).
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