ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Screenshot Captor

[ BUG REPORT ] - Maximum screenshot resolution too low

(1/2) > >>

The maximum screenshot size (for a simple 1 monitor screen) is 5120 x 2880, which is certainly more than enough for most people.

I can get 8120 x 4289 for an entire workspace screenshot.

For a single application window screenshot, I can get full 8k at 7680 x 4260.

I can't get a full screen 1 monitor shot for my 8k monitor. (Set to 150% DPI scaling, which likely plays a factor.)

I think scaling is an issue, which should affect other users with (different) scaling on 1 or more monitors.

Can you elaborate a little -- what goes wrong?

Can you elaborate a little -- what goes wrong?
-mouser (January 21, 2022, 07:53 PM)
--- End quote ---

I'll post back later with screenshots so you can see. Short version, everything gets wonky and bizarre selections for SHIFT + PRTSCN happen.

This gets pretty wonky, so the best way is just to show you screenshots & whatnot.

The 8K monitor - screenshot with Windows snipping tool:

[ BUG REPORT ] - Maximum screenshot resolution too low

The entire workspace - screenshot with Windows snipping tool:

[ BUG REPORT ] - Maximum screenshot resolution too low

Images are too large for a single post. SSC shots in next one.

8K monitor with SSC - display capture:

[ BUG REPORT ] - Maximum screenshot resolution too low

Notice the clipping.

Entire workspace with SSC:

[ BUG REPORT ] - Maximum screenshot resolution too low

Again, clipping.

New post...


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