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BETTER Spotify Playlist Editor

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Hi there! Trying to get you first alpha in the next following days :Thmbsup:

I'm doing things "by the book" first (Spotify developer account, traditional web API library).

Update(s) to follow :)

 :o :tellme: :Thmbsup: :-*

Holy crap. seriously!  WOW! Thank you!

Holy crap. seriously!
-y0himba (April 08, 2022, 01:37 PM)
--- End quote ---

Indeed. The app is shaping & registered @ Spotify developer:

BETTER Spotify Playlist Editor

Found a promising API endpoint for liked songs: /v1/me/tracks

Now I must add your Spotify account manually. While it's on development mode, addition is reversed. i.e. instead of the user adding the app, the developer adds the users.

API examples are mostly Node-based (javascript), so perhaps this ends-up being a web app for you to host. The following days are key to determine things out. Best thing: your requirement is doable and it's being done :)

The app is shaping & registered @ Spotify developer:
-publicdomain (April 08, 2022, 11:51 PM)
--- End quote ---

Hello! It's asking me for your Spotify account email to add you as one of the 25 users for development mode.

BETTER Spotify Playlist Editor

Feel free to send it by PM or via publicdomainvic﹫


I PMed you :Thmbsup:


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