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searching for a solution to simulate pressing F11 Key on Keyboard


Hi there,
i am looking for a tool to simulate pressing the F11 Key on keyboard.
We are using a application, within a procedure needs 3 Times to press F11 for one circle (eg.300-900 circles). The circles should be possible to change on a small interface for the User, if possible.
Can someone help - i tryed to realise tha with autohotkey, but i have not the skills and the expirience for this chalange.
may some one can help me ?
Many Thanks for your Help in advance!

Autohotkey does sounds like your solution -- someone with knowledge about AHK will no doubt be able to reply here and tell you exactly how to do it.

Hi Autohotkey, is perfect - i got the Solution with it

Hi Autohotkey, is perfect - i got the Solution with it -adamok70 (December 03, 2021, 04:52 AM)
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Are you saying that you created an AutoHotkey script to do want you want?  Or, did you still need one created for you?

i am looking for a tool to simulate pressing the F11 Key on keyboard.
-adamok70 (December 02, 2021, 03:13 AM)
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Hi there adamok! KeyLoop v0.1.0 has been released :Thmbsup:

Download & info:



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