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Wordle: simple web word game

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What clues? I mean, there are cues from where you place the letters, but no clues about the final word, are there? Or did I just miss something?
-wraith808 (January 17, 2022, 06:04 PM)
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that's what I was referring to.  I usually get as many vowels in play as possible up front (that's 2 attempts), then its a case of working out what words I can see from the remaining letters and any confirmed vowels.  Sometimes I throw in a word I know is wrong just to rule out some letters, depends how stuck I am (eg 1 known vowel in an unknown position doesn't give you much to work with...)

What clues? I mean, there are cues from where you place the letters, but no clues about the final word, are there? Or did I just miss something?
-wraith808 (January 17, 2022, 06:04 PM)
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that's what I was referring to.  I usually get as many vowels in play as possible up front (that's 2 attempts), then its a case of working out what words I can see from the remaining letters and any confirmed vowels.  Sometimes I throw in a word I know is wrong just to rule out some letters, depends how stuck I am (eg 1 known vowel in an unknown position doesn't give you much to work with...)
-Target (January 17, 2022, 07:13 PM)
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I do the same. That takes up three guesses, usually, in order to get them to the right locations. I've found that the guesses have to be words, so you can't just throw vowels at a guess. Have you had a different experience?

^ yes, it will only accept words. I got very stuck yesterday, had one vowel correct (o) and didn't get the other one (it was a y). In the end I gave up and put in a word I knew was incorrect.
the solution wasproxy

Have you had a different experience?-wraith808 (January 18, 2022, 12:40 PM)
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short answer, no  8)

I read somewhere that the best word to start with is "roate" because it eliminates more options than any other word.


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