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Wordle: simple web word game

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I miss days a lot. I still don't see how anyone gets it in the first 3 guesses without any other clues.

I miss days a lot. I still don't see how anyone gets it in the first 3 guesses without any other clues.
-wraith808 (January 17, 2022, 08:15 AM)
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depends on the clues...I got it in 3 yesterday, but lately I've needed all 6 a couple of times

Well, there's Letterle as well, pretty much making Wordle obsolete.

Well, there's Letterle as well, pretty much making Wordle obsolete.
-Tuxman (January 17, 2022, 05:58 PM)
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doesn't seem like much of an alternative to me, just enter letters until you 'guess' the 'right one'....

I miss days a lot. I still don't see how anyone gets it in the first 3 guesses without any other clues.
-wraith808 (January 17, 2022, 08:15 AM)
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depends on the clues...I got it in 3 yesterday, but lately I've needed all 6 a couple of times
-Target (January 17, 2022, 05:26 PM)
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What clues? I mean, there are cues from where you place the letters, but no clues about the final word, are there? Or did I just miss something?

Well, there's Letterle as well, pretty much making Wordle obsolete.
-Tuxman (January 17, 2022, 05:58 PM)
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doesn't seem like much of an alternative to me, just enter letters until you 'guess' the 'right one'....
-Target (January 17, 2022, 06:01 PM)
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