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Wordle: simple web word game

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Interesting, obviously not the same word for everyone since the word I just got doesn't have repeated letters.

Interesting, obviously not the same word for everyone since the word I just got doesn't have repeated letters.
-4wd (November 25, 2021, 04:32 PM)
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Same here (new word due here in twenty minutes or so).

Got today's word relatively quickly fwiw which consoled me after not getting the previous one at all.

Interesting, obviously not the same word for everyone since the word I just got doesn't have repeated letters.
-4wd (November 25, 2021, 04:32 PM)
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That's what I was thinking.

Brad Wyatt translated Wordle into a PowerShell module:
Play Wordle, the Puzzle Game Using PowerShell

Wordle: simple web word game

Nice.  I'm still playing Wordle every day  :Thmbsup:


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