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WinPCap issues - no npf.sys file on my system

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Download the latest version of WinPcap (Version 4.1.2, 02 jul 10). The one you are trying to install had a bug. See here

Wow guys, appreciate all the help here.  I'll try installing the new version first, and if that doesn't work, I'll try worstje's suggestion.  I'll post the results, and again, thank you for the help on this   :)


This necrothread is the top google search hit for this problem, so I actually registered just so I could reply with my solution:

With window open saying
--- ---no npf.sys file - Abort Retry Ignore...etc. leave window open

Open cmd.exe as administrator

Side note about how I'm illustrating these commands: When demonstrating commands in a Unix-like environment, the convention is to use $ to denote user command prompt, and # to denote root (elevated) command prompt, but I am unsure if such a convention for Windows exists. Therefore, I am going to use %CD%:\> to denote the following string is a command to be invoked at the command prompt in your current working directory, as it is the environment variable for current directory. 

--- ---%CD%:\> cd %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers (this is usually C:\Windows\System32\Drivers)

--- ---%CD%:\> dir npf.sys to verify the file exists and is present

--- ---%CD%:\> rename npf.sys npf-original.sys to move the file out of the way so you can install the new one

--- ---Retry in your installer Window.  This worked for me on the first try, and has the benefit of not removing any original files in case there's some incompatibility or other reason necessary to restore the previous version of
--- ---npf.sys file.

OK that's all, really this was a lot more simple than anyone's making it out to be. Hope people scroll all the way through before the start trying all the other crazy stuff people suggested above (not that they're bad ideas, just totally beyond the scope of what's necessary).

Good luck!


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