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I bought an Oculus Quest and I'm blown away by the current state of VR

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I have an Oculus Go (ie very old Oculus) which I use(d) for viewing 3D photos I took throughout SE Asia.
It's great apart from the poor resolution, so I'm thinking of upgrading to the Quest 2.
Bit of a promotion for them atm.
 Can anyone with any experience in this use case (not so interested in gaming) comment on the quality of the 3D photo viewing experience please?

While I do not have experience with the Oculus Quest, the requirements are a pretty good indicator of what you can expect.

You will likely need to scroll quite a bit on this Oculus experiences page to find a 3D photo viewer app amongst all the games and other apps. And from what I saw, you will need a FaceBook account to be able to use the Oculus device at all.

The 'Virtual Desktop' app looks to be most capable of watching your photos in 3D.

Thanks Shades.
What I'm actually interested in tho is whether 3D photos look good or not using the Quest 2.
Obviously, they'd look better than on the Go model, but I'm wondering about other's subjective opinions.
 I'm getting the impression photo viewing has ceased to be much of an attraction for users in general.

What is a 3D photo? Is that like a panorama/spherical photo that you can look around in many directions?

yes. Except in every photo I take, since I don't want to be in it, I have the camera directly over my head, so looking down, all you see is grey hair unless I edit it out.


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