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I bought an Oculus Quest and I'm blown away by the current state of VR

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I'm glad the PS4 doesn't need beacons. It just uses the external camera as the focusing point for your playable area. As the PS4 is in my living room, the cord has never been much of an issue, unless I just lose track of what I'm doing in the game (usually because of minor vertigo) and get tangled. But I'm warming up to this.

here are some downsides to it:

1. Battery for the headset does not last very long, can be annoying; 3rd party battery pack is one solution.
2. Included head strap not very good; 3rd party replacement is solution
3. Games are SHORT and EXPENSIVE.

That last point is the one that's keeping it in my cart on Amazon. I haven't found anything that really catches my eye. I finally purchased a PSVR because of a few games coming out in rapid succession that I couldn't resist- Iron Man VR, Some really good DLC on Beat Saber, Squadrons, and a couple of others. I've browsed the store for the Quest, and nothing really catches my eye in that way so far.

yeah i mean if you already have psvr im not sure it makes sense to buy an oculus -- the games and experiences are going to be much smaller and lower powered
and ironically, MORE expensive than their full version brothers on pc and ps4.

yeah i mean if you already have psvr im not sure it makes sense to buy an oculus -- the games and experiences are going to be much smaller and lower powered
and ironically, MORE expensive than their full version brothers on pc and ps4.
-mouser (July 24, 2021, 01:08 PM)
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You're probably right, but the more I think about it, the all-in-one is very exciting! I'll keep an eye to see how the landscape of the games available develops.


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