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Opt out of Amazon sharing your bandwidth with your neighbors

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As long as idiotic data caps are a thing, this is a non-starter for me.
-wraith808 (June 03, 2021, 08:55 AM)
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The devices are also using electricity you have to pay for :D

Luckily I'm not in the US so wouldn't affect me anyway (yet) & I don't have any Amazon speakers or doorbells etc (ditto).
And now, for sure, I never will.

As long as idiotic data caps are a thing, this is a non-starter for me.
-wraith808 (June 03, 2021, 08:55 AM)
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The devices are also using electricity you have to pay for :D
-sphere (June 03, 2021, 02:28 PM)
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Actually, the devices that I'm using don't.  :P

And in any case, that's a false equivalency, as data caps are different as you pay a flat fee for data under the cap.

Actually, the devices that I'm using don't.  :P

And in any case, that's a false equivalency, as data caps are different as you pay a flat fee for data under the cap.
-wraith808 (June 03, 2021, 10:02 PM)
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Agreed. What irks me is that not only is it using someone else's data, it is also using someone else's electricity.  What ever they are doing to extend their services and reach, is being done on someone else's dime and without the paying party truly consenting.  I do not have any amazon devices.

My devices that I'm talking about use Solar Power- so no electricity there. And to be honest, the extra electricity required for the increase in bandwidth is minimal.


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