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Enfolder - Move a group of files/directories into a new custom folder (v0.1.0)

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Thanks for reporting :up:

I'm checking Enfolder + a few other proggies to close the month  :)

-publicdomain (May 25, 2021, 01:52 PM)
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Well, I noticed this problem again, where enfolder doesn't open, it asks me what program I want to use to open the file.

1 file, a png. On the desktop.

Enfolder - Move a group of files/directories into a new custom folder (v0.1.0)

Uninstalling and reinstalling seems to have fixed the problem.

Uninstalling and reinstalling seems to have fixed the problem.
-Jasong222 (May 26, 2021, 01:50 PM)
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Thanks for informing! :Thmbsup:

(This frees end-of-the-month resources to assist more fellows :) )



There is still the problem of Enfolder not showing up as an option sometimes.  There are pics earlier in this thread.

I've confirmed this happens on the system drive (non-system partition, the D drive) and on external disks.  Variety of file types.  Video, jpg, etc.

I just tried it again, 24 files, all jpg, external drive, and-
22 files, all .png, D drive.

(edit to add:  And I just notice that it doesn't work inside an android phone plugged in to pc.  I get the enfolder option, but when I select it nothing happens.  4 files, 2 gpx and 2 kml.  But this isn't a big deal and not my primary usage of the program)

[...]And I just notice that it doesn't work inside an android phone plugged in to pc.  I get the enfolder option, but when I select it nothing happens.  4 files, 2 gpx and 2 kml.-Jasong222 (May 26, 2021, 03:12 PM)
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Hello dear Jason! Please retry with he same setup & files using EnfolderSendTo:

Cheers & many thanks!


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