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Need help recreating some music -- full band needed?
Yeah perhaps I don't need a full band just a person in front of a computer who is good at music software... Anyone?
-mouser (May 03, 2021, 01:31 PM)
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Question is, can a covered version be public used without harming any music-rights?
You should get informed who is current copyright holder and ask for permission, than you may use original version instant.
I did made in past a few remixes but was not allowed to make them public avail (in germany it is called GEMA and they act like bountyhunters.)
It's a good question.. I think the ideal thing would be if someone could compose an ORIGINAL piece, 22seconds long, that is inspired and similar to that theme, but not exact.
Ha!! OK, I will give this a shot.
I need some music!!!
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