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Two : 1. GPS offline 2. Free Document Generator
Contro do you have "Here We Go" maps installed? This app downloads the maps ahead of time. I do not know if it has Canary Islands however I can verify that the app works well. I have a couple of phones with no sim card and the maps work great. Very handy if you are "away from the grid" or if you are in a huge crowd and everyone else got all the cell connections before you. :D
With a little more research I did found this link.
Check it out if that is possible with your devive and you are good to go.
-KodeZwerg (April 22, 2021, 05:26 AM)
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I'll try and comment
:-* :P
Contro do you have "Here We Go" maps installed? This app downloads the maps ahead of time. I do not know if it has Canary Islands however I can verify that the app works well. I have a couple of phones with no sim card and the maps work great. Very handy if you are "away from the grid" or if you are in a huge crowd and everyone else got all the cell connections before you. :D
-x16wda (April 22, 2021, 05:52 AM)
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The point is that wikiloc is the web I know for walking routes.
But I will try this also.
Best Regards
:-* :P
Aren't you glad there is no Windows Phone anymore? Mine came with off-line maps already build in. And could use cellular masts to do a "poor man's GPS" triangulating position. Used it in this city myself (on foot), some 4 years ago, maybe 5 by now.
At the present moment I am not clear how I can do the offline use of my GPS.
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