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Limitpad - Notepad highlighting text after a configurable limit (v0.1.0)

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Notepad highlighting text after a configurable limit.

Download & full info:


* Highlight limit by character or word count.
* Configurable prev and post colors.
* Auto-save on exit.
* Open file to import text into pad.
* Export/save pad to text file.Day #109, Week #16 @ April 19, 2021


2 small bugs detected

bug #1
run application, enter any text, have the limit set that something is red
change now colors, they will only apply if you change text or limit

bug #2
program is not able to be run within protected folders
run from such application will crash before it has started
please use %appdata% to save configuration

add password generator please ;)
if able, add dark-theme support

program rock!

2 small bugs detected
add password generator please ;)
-KodeZwerg (April 20, 2021, 04:31 PM)
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Sure thing! :Thmbsup: & thanks for the feedback K!

Feel free to brainstorm, squeeze & load the Limitpad program... The whole 0.x branch is just for this

/Was tempted to write sKWEEZ it :D

Keep 'em coming for v0.2.0

add password generator please
-KodeZwerg (April 20, 2021, 04:31 PM)
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Why would you need that to write a text? There are already roughly 1 million password generators (or more), rich and poor, why try to add one where (nearly) nobody needs one?

This should be a nice, single purpose tool, please don't add bloatware to it.

add password generator please
-KodeZwerg (April 20, 2021, 04:31 PM)
--- End quote ---

Why would you need that to write a text? There are already roughly 1 million password generators (or more), rich and poor, why try to add one where (nearly) nobody needs one?

This should be a nice, single purpose tool, please don't add bloatware to it.
-Ath (April 21, 2021, 12:33 AM)
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I am sorry if you do not like my request. Do not think I am too dumb to program and use my own tool for that matter. In my humble opinion a program that limit text to a speficific character amount is made for such matter.


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