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Well, er, if you must know, I *thought* I was saying that I don't speak Korean very well. The raucous laughter from the wizened old halmohnee (grandmother) that I was speaking to means that I'll never forget how to say either...  :o

Grorgy - no doubt you are right. Cheers! Or should I say "kombé"! Transliteration has never been my strong suit...

Ralf - "May I go mombo dog-faced in the banana patch?"

Ralf Maximus:
"I will not buy this record, it is scratched."

Nice, Ralf  :Thmbsup: I should spend more time searching YouTube! It's a bit like going into a record store, though, I can think of 101 CD's (or in this case, clips) I'd like to watch but I get into the store and I can't for the life of me think of a single thing I want!

... and I can't for the life of me think of a single thing I want!-Darwin (December 21, 2007, 12:24 AM)
--- End quote ---

- this guy can ~nudge, nudge, know what I mean?

Even if I don't speak Korean or any other language that display ??? ???? for word; I will try my best to say

Hello to to you all

It seems to be a nice site....with many nice programs....and then I might assume it also contain many nice peoples  ;D :Thmbsup:


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