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Idea: 'Enfolder'- Select a group of files, right click, select 'Enfolder', Windo

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What KodeZwerg said...

Or, try a third-party file manager.  I use the excellent Total Commander, payware, or start with one of the many free ones, e.g. FreeCommander, Double Commander, Multi Commander, Altap Salamander, Explorer++, Q-Dir, etc.

What KodeZwerg said...

Or, try a third-party file manager.  I use the excellent Total Commander, payware, or start with one of the many free ones, e.g. FreeCommander, Double Commander, Multi Commander, Altap Salamander, Explorer++, Q-Dir, etc.
-rjbull (April 07, 2021, 04:13 PM)
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I'm quite sure none of those programs offer this feature I'm describing.  Certainly not as a right-click option.  And as I said, I'm not looking for any other function than that. I don't want to have to run a whole program just to grab a few files off my desktop and put them into a folder once in a while.

Thank you for telling me you're not interested in participating in this.

I'd love to be able to select a group of files/folders, then right click and select the option 'Enfolder' and Windows creates a folder and places all of my selected files into that folder.
-Jasong222 (April 06, 2021, 03:24 PM)
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Hi there Jason, I'm in! :Thmbsup:

I'm finishing the releases in my signature + some others as I'm finally home & free from work. Stay tuned @ the repo.

-publicdomain (April 07, 2021, 10:48 AM)
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Hey man,

Just wanted to ping you- I had some issue logging in, and also see that my post was moved, but I can't quite tell from where to where.  Anyway, just checking in to say hello and still hoping you're up to code this idea!

Hey man,-Jasong222 (April 24, 2021, 08:13 PM)
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Hi Jason! Nice to see you back :)

just checking in to say hello and still hoping you're up to code this idea!-Jasong222 (April 24, 2021, 08:13 PM)
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Absolutely! There are several releases to close April; yours included :up:

Just as a note, Lopesoft FileMenu Tools includes a "pack to folder" option that does what you want (among many other useful things). There's a limit of packing 20 objects for the free version, a license (€10+vat) removes that restriction. I purchased a license years ago and it has worked well.


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