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Idea: 'Enfolder'- Select a group of files, right click, select 'Enfolder', Windo

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Had this idea for a while.

I'd love to be able to select a group of files/folders, then right click and select the option 'Enfolder' and Windows creates a folder and places all of my selected files into that folder.

Would save several clicks of create new folder, select files, move.

Ideally you'd get a chance to name the folder somewhere in that process.  I'm not a coder but I bet that increases the complexity of the program significantly.  I'd be happy even if that wasn't an option.  Or maybe the folder was still selected after the move so you just type in the name. 

But the main thing is the simplicity of selecting-->right-click-->'Enfolder'. 

Having to run a program, or enter fields, etc. all make it just as complicated as doing it manually.

I am not interested in coding such.
Windows offer for such purpose integrated possibilities.
(have 2x Explorer open, drag and drop, done)

I'd love to be able to select a group of files/folders, then right click and select the option 'Enfolder' and Windows creates a folder and places all of my selected files into that folder.
-Jasong222 (April 06, 2021, 03:24 PM)
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Hi there Jason, I'm in! :Thmbsup:

I'm finishing the releases in my signature + some others as I'm finally home & free from work. Stay tuned @ the repo.


Sweet man, thanks!

I'd love to be able to select a group of files/folders, then right click and select the option 'Enfolder' and Windows creates a folder and places all of my selected files into that folder.
-Jasong222 (April 06, 2021, 03:24 PM)
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Hi there Jason, I'm in! :Thmbsup:

I'm finishing the releases in my signature + some others as I'm finally home & free from work. Stay tuned @ the repo.

-publicdomain (April 07, 2021, 10:48 AM)
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Sweet!  Thanks man, looking forward to it!


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