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Idea: 'Enfolder'- Select a group of files, right click, select 'Enfolder', Windo

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Just as a note, Lopesoft FileMenu Tools includes a "pack to folder" option that does what you want (among many other useful things). There's a limit of packing 20 objects for the free version, a license (€10+vat) removes that restriction. I purchased a license years ago and it has worked well.
-x16wda (April 25, 2021, 03:55 PM)
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This is what I use from time to time.

But the main thing is the simplicity of selecting-->right-click-->'Enfolder'.-Jasong222 (April 06, 2021, 03:24 PM)
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Almost there :)

Completion news coming :Thmbsup:

It is working (it could be quicker to collect files, but works!)

Let's see about feedback as first public release gets online :)

I don't understand why you're resistant to using a good general-purpose file manager, especially as there are plenty of good free ones.

Meanwhile, it took days for the name "Piky Basket" to bubble up.  Copywhiz, which is the new name for it, is the closest ready-made thing I can think of to what you want.  Viz.:
Automatically organize files based on their properties

Copywhiz for Windows lets you automatically copy files to an organized folder structure.

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-rjbull (April 29, 2021, 02:55 PM)
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Because most of them seem like they are orders of magnatude more complicated than what I'm looking for, and many of them don't seem to do what I'm asking at all.  And none except one do it as simply as what I'm looking for. 

I took a look at the copywhiz video.  I counted 12-15 clicks to do what they demonstrated, plus or minus, not including the actual selecting of files.  'Enfolder' is 1 click.  2 if you count selecting 'enfolder' from the right click menu.  And tbh, I don't really understand what it means to 'organize files by attribute' in the sense that it looks like copywhiz is just copying and pasting files.  Maybe it's auto-sorting the desination folder by the attribute I'm selecting?  I don't know but I've already lost interest because I'm not looking to sort, copy, move or do anything by attribute.

There was one suggested that looks simliar.  But it was last updated in 2014.  Probably fine, but... fresher is better.  And anyway by the time that was suggested u/publicdomain had not only already started, but has been working for a few weeks.  I'm not going to go to him and say 'hey- forget all that work you've already done, I found this other thing.'   That doesn't seem right.

Here's a use case:  I have a bunch of pictures of an item I want to sell on craigslist.  Let's say 12 pics.  The pics I took are large because photos are large these days. I select half a dozen that I want to post, and I resize them smaller.  So now they're all in the same folder, originals and resized ones.  But I want the resized ones separate because they're for posting only.  So I select those resized ones, right click, and select 'enfolder'.  Now they're all in their own folder and I name that folder 'resized'.  Easy peasy.    I don't want to copy them, I don't really even want to move them.  I just want them in a folder.

It is working but it's slow to collect files...

[ Invalid Attachment ]

Let's see about feedback as first release gets online :)
-publicdomain (May 03, 2021, 10:32 AM)
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OK!  Is it ready to check now?

It might be slower working with folders as it has to look at the files inside.  I actually don't think I'd be using it with folders very often... but that would be a nice thing to have, of course.

I took a look at the github.  I'm actually not that familiar with GH.  I'm used to 'go to file' taking me to an installer of some type.  Can I get a little help as to how to install it? Or maybe it's not ready-ready yet....


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