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Any taskbar hiding applications?
I'm looking to see if anyone knows of any taskbar hiding application. I'm using rainmeter as a taskbar replacement, along with mouser's excellent desktop coral. My issue is that Windows 10's autohide activates as when I get too close to the taskbar area. I don't need the default taskbar to be disabled, simply for it to not respond to mouse activation.
I've used eusing's Taskbar Hide application but it's a complete hit and miss. It'll stop working half the time and the default windows taskbar starts activating again. If I have the application set to start at windows login, it 100% of the time stop working after I open any maximized application, and then I have to exit and relaunch Taskbar Hide. Not a great solution all in all.
Any applications here on donationcoder to pair along with desktop coral?
Thank you!
I don't need the default taskbar to be disabled, simply for it to not respond to mouse activation.
-SyRaza (March 09, 2021, 03:55 PM)
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Hello @SyRaza, is it viable to have the taskbar active with auto-hide + a Global hotkey for disabling/enabling the mouse in the area?
If something like this suffices, that's doable :Thmbsup:
You could try Skrommel's PushToShow:
It should hide your Taskbar unless you press the Windows key.
There is also CloseFence:
That one keeps an autohiding Taskbar from accidentally appearing if you hover a bit too close to it.
TaskbarActivate still works under Windows 10, increase the delay before the Taskbar is expanded.
You could try Skrommel's PushToShow:
It should hide your Taskbar unless you press the Windows key.
There is also CloseFence:
That one keeps an autohiding Taskbar from accidentally appearing if you hover a bit too close to it.
-app103 (March 09, 2021, 07:54 PM)
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