News and Reviews > Best Text Editor
Pre-review discussion of "BEST TEXT EDITOR"
The review is now up. thank you all for your insights. I'm moving this into the text editor review section where we can continue our discussion. As in past reviews I will adjust the review based on feedback if you think i've missed something or gotten something wrong. If you happen to be in contact with any of the authors of the programs mentioned, please invite them to post.
Just want to share my daily quick editor Xint (for things PSPad is to big).
That's a tiny SDI editor
- 500kB
- GNU Public License
- no registry, only INIs
- URL highlighting
- regex s & r
- block selecting
- minimize in the TNA
- recent docs
- code clips
- auto compled
- a few build-in highlighters
Base-Translater, Converter: HTML, base64, URL...
SDI only, but enought as viewer and quick editor :)
my little german review
What editor will seach for a name in files where the name is mispelled, and the editor will give the results of both the name spelled correctly, and also list results of where the name is also not spelled correctly but the software editor is smart enough to make a good guess that the name you wanted along without all the instances where it was mispelled. This would be of great value to me, since I deal with lots of mispelled names, and now with Textpad, all I can do is seach twice using both the first and last name or only using the first few letters, or clumps of letters in the name that stand out, so it becomes very time consuming and tedious.
Is that a briallant editor out there for this?
For instance, if search for Luperini, It will bring back, Luporini, Luperin, Loperoni, and so on, it guesses and brings back everything close, or even customize the search more.
There's a text editor that supports soundex (an English-oriented phonetic matching algorithm) searches. I haven't tried it, but you may want to give it a shot:
Power Edit ($30):
I'm surprised I didn't find more on Google. Soundex is a pretty simple algorithm.
I downloaded a trial version. Wait and see how it goes!
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