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IDEA: Pull icon from exe and put on the containing folder

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... it may be worth checking out a macro record/playback utility. ...-MilesAhead (February 09, 2021, 03:19 PM)
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Actually I only figured I'd do one folder at a time, so yea a macro makes sense. 

I did some googling, and it appears that Win 10 can capture a file's path via Shift+RightClick.  I'm trying to simulate that in AutoHotkey.  Windows doesn't seem to be seeing the "Shift" part though...  :- /

--- Code: Autohotkey ---!^g::sleep, 1000Send, {LButton Down}sleep, 100Send, {LButton Up}sleep, 100Send, {Shift Down}Send, {RButton Down}sleep, 100Send, {Shift Up}Send, {RButton Up}return
EIDT:  This works!

--- Code: Autohotkey ---!^g::sleep, 1000Clicksleep, 100Send, {Shift Down}sleep, 100Click, Rightsleep, 100Send, {Shift Up}return
This is the most kludgy thing I've seen in a while...  And its unreliability attests to this!  LOL
I got tiried of working on it.  I might try to finish it later.

--- Code: Autohotkey ---#NoEnv ; For security#SingleInstance force#Persistent ;Navigate to file in Win Explorer.  Hover mouse over file.!^g::sleep, 1000Click ;Selects filesleep, 100Send, {Shift Down}sleep, 100Click, Right ;Pops up special context menu with "Copy as path."sleep, 100Send, {Shift Up}Send aaa{Enter} ;Need correct number of a's to select Copy as path.sleep, 100 Send, {Alt Down}sleep, 100send, {Up} ;Tells Wind Explorer to browse up one level.sleep, 100Send, {Alt Up}sleep, 100 Send, {AppsKey} ;Parent folder will be selected.  Shows context menu. sleep, 100Send, {Up} ;Goes to bottom memu item (which is Properties.)sleep, 100Send, {Enter}Send, {Shift Down}sleep, 100send, {Tab} ;ShiftTabTab highlights General tab in Properties dialog.sleep, 100send, {Tab}sleep, 100Send, {Shift Up};Still needs to ArrowLeft 5x to highlight Customize tab.;Then Alt+i to change icon. Icon resource path box will be highlighted.;Paste path into box and {Enter}.  return

Not sure if this is what you wanted:

Never mind... Didn't fully read your post.

Maybe one of these freewares will be easier than coding it yourself?  :)

Any takers?   :P
-kunkel321 (February 09, 2021, 11:54 AM)
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I'm in! Chances are "AppFolderIcon" gets completed tomorrow / in a couple.



Using skwire's info, this should work if you go via Send To or the context menu if you add it in the registry ... can't test it, I'm sitting in a car  :P

--- Code: PowerShell ---# FolIco.ps1 param (  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$file)$deskini = "$(Split-Path "$($file)" -Parent)\desktop.ini"$ini = "[.ShellClassInfo]`nIconFile=`"$($file)`"`nIconIndex=0`n[ViewState]`nMode=`nVid=`nFolderType=Generic"$ini | Out-File -LiteralPath "$($deskini)" -Force(Get-Item -LiteralPath "$($deskini)").Attributes = 'Hidden'
Shortcut in the archive to put in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo


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