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News and Reviews > Note Taking Software

SuperboyAC's Notetaking Software Roundup #1

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Just wanted to congratulate SuperboyAC on a great review, which has just gone live  :-*

A very difficult subject handled very well.
Now let's please remember to send him some of our donation credits to help him take that well-deserved vacation!

My Notes Center:
shares many similar features with AM-Notebook, but is more powerful and feature richer.

Hey great review.........but you missed one.

At least I think is a great's simbust at

comes in two flavors free and paid

Hi SuperDuperBoyac.
I have to say you've done an excellent job of pulling together your review from what was the longest forum thread I've ever been involved in. I haven't checked recently and wouldn't be surprised if it is still going. ;D

I've been torn between being extremelly busy and having two short breaks this past month and have only just read your entire review. I'm also a bit behind in posting on my blog and want to mention your review asap.

A few comments.

* The Feature Matrix. Surfulater uses HTML Templates for all of its articles. These can be edited or new ones added. It is a little involved at present, but will become easier in future. I figure SUL should get a tick for its templates.

* In the next release (V1.99.0.0 out any day now) you can edit the Style Sheets and add new ones. Two are provided.

* Tags are planned
Thanks again for a job well done.

Hi SuperDuperBoyac.
I have to say you've done an excellent job of pulling together your review from what was the longest forum thread I've ever been involved in. I haven't checked recently and wouldn't be surprised if it is still going. ;D

I've been torn between being extremelly busy and having two short breaks this past month and have only just read your entire review. I'm also a bit behind in posting on my blog and want to mention your review asap.

A few comments.

* The Feature Matrix. Surfulater uses HTML Templates for all of its articles. These can be edited or new ones added. It is a little involved at present, but will become easier in future. I figure SUL should get a tick for its templates.

* In the next release (V1.99.0.0 out any day now) you can edit the Style Sheets and add new ones. Two are provided.

* Tags are planned
Thanks again for a job well done.
-nevf (October 04, 2006, 06:37 AM)
--- End quote ---

Nevf, I'm really glad you liked it.  I was concerned about about my Surfulater portion of the review because your program is evolving the fastest out of the three, and I know that each new release has significant changes in it that will make any review soon outdated.  I'll be sure to put a tick next to templates for you when I redo the roundup (maybe mouser can stick one in now?).  I'm not sure, but I think the templates are a big deal to some users.


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