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News and Reviews > Note Taking Software

SuperboyAC's Notetaking Software Roundup #1

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it's the latest version of Surfulator, tomos...

i just tried it; it takes about 12 seconds to finish loading (with four knowledge bases), and that's on a dual core 4800 amd chip with raid striped raptor drives. there are a lot of pictures in the things i've grabbed though - maybe that's why it seems slow - or, i admit, maybe i'm being too picky.
-nudone (April 28, 2009, 05:20 AM)
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12 sec is crazy time to be hanging around :D
that sounds like something to report at their forums - even if they're big files, it should not make any difference - it only loads enough of the file to get you going.
With version #2 I can open about 20MB worth of files (over 6 files) + the Help file and it opens very quickly.

Actually, like Evernote, subsequent starts are quicker than the first - under a second here

right, hmm, well my database is 300 meg - perhaps that is justifies the length of time it takes. i don't know???

right, hmm, well my database is 300 meg - perhaps that is justifies the length of time it takes. i don't know???
-nudone (April 28, 2009, 07:48 AM)
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I dont think so -
I remember in the forums over there Neville talking about only showing part of the file - whatever part would be visible - so, in theory at any rate, it shouldnt have an effect - not such a big one at any rate.
He is very responsive to problems so probably worth a post there ..

I've been using Surfulator but I'm wondering if Evernote, either v2.2. or v3, is quicker to load. Any thoughts on that, superboyac?
-nudone (April 28, 2009, 03:02 AM)
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My data is not that large (~20 MB) so I don't know how much help I can be.  I always thought Evernote 2.2 was a pretty fast application.  I haven't used Surfulator for a while, but I don't remember speed being an issue there either.  Overall, I would say Evernote is faster.

(but again, I haven't used Surfulator in a while and my databases are not that big).

right, thanks. i'll see if Surfulator opens up any quicker if i load in a smaller database. then i'll see what they say on the Surfulator forum. i may still try Evernote - the text inside image recognition is appealing.


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