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Batch Word Text Replacer

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You can give this a try:
-4wd (January 24, 2021, 06:21 PM)
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I am trying long time ago with this sort of program.
So : Have you try that script or the program ? Do you use this program ?-Contro (January 24, 2021, 07:17 PM)
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I don't have/use Word or VBA, if I did I'd probably use PowerShell interfacing to Word to do the same thing instead.

You can give this a try:
-4wd (January 24, 2021, 06:21 PM)
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I am trying long time ago with this sort of program.
So : Have you try that script or the program ? Do you use this program ?-Contro (January 24, 2021, 07:17 PM)
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I don't have/use Word or VBA, if I did I'd probably use PowerShell interfacing to Word to do the same thing instead.
-4wd (January 25, 2021, 02:25 AM)
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Ojú !!!!!!!!!! Then you don't have used datanumen .
I would prefer an advice if you are using this tool or know at first hand someone doing.
Best Regards

I don't remember my prior use of the VBA scripts. Seems for old versions of word o something goes wrong when replacing.

So I would like a tool tested and running with word 2010.


Note : the important thing after replacing is not obtain corrupted word files I can't open.

Ojú !!!!!!!!!! Then you don't have used datanumen .
I would prefer an advice if you are using this tool or know at first hand someone doing. -Contro (January 24, 2021, 07:17 PM)
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No problem ... however that VBA module is from 2017 and I've just tested it on Word 2003 and it worked ...

So I would like a tool tested and running with word 2010.
-Contro (January 25, 2021, 09:47 AM)
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Just a note: Office 2010 is not supported anymore by Microsoft, in the same way that Windows 7 isn't supported anymore. It is Office 2013 or bust (in the eyes of Microsoft). For the next 2 years still, after that no more support for Office 2013 either. 


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