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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Happy xmas, holidays, etc.


Happy holidays to everyone.  Because of the state of everything some of you may be spending it alone.. Nothing wrong with that but if you don't want to be along just remember we are in the modern age where there is always a way to connect with others online. Stop by the donationcoder chat room, or post on the forum, etc.  Or just watch a good movie.

However you spend the day and this coming week, I hope you have a wonderful next couple of days.  :up: :Thmbsup: :-*

ps. It's freezing here in Illinois, I'll be hiding under a blanket today.

Sunny here for a change. Must get out for a walk.
All the best to all,

Nothing wrong with that but if you don't want to be along just remember we are in the modern age
-mouser (December 25, 2020, 03:02 AM)
--- End quote ---
*I* don't want to be along... but I don't mind being by myself  :)

Season's Greetings to all!

It's 13 degrees Celsius outside today. Very nice for a change!

Happy Christmas and Holidays to all members.

Days are a bit warmer than nights here, Kolkata.
But still working from home. Have high hopes in 2021.




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