Software > Find And Run Robot
FARR mini weather report from
Wttr is a fun and fast URL based command line weather report tool.
Background and syntax here
This post describes how to show wttr weather as text directly in the FARR searchbox.
Step 1. create a FARR alias
name: weather
regex: ^(weath|weat|wea)$
result: weather | appcap "C:\folder\FARR_weather_helper.exe"
Step 2. prepare helper AutoHotkey script
- Save code to C:\folder\FARR_weather_helper.ahk
- Modify the wttr URL in the code: which location? what data to show? language? extra text?
- Compile the script to an .exe file (necessary since FARR's appcap doesn't work if we run .ahk scripts uncompiled, it seems)
--- Code: Autohotkey ---#NoEnv#SingleInstance forceSetBatchLines, -1 ; FARR_weather_helper.ahk; 2020-11-19 by Nod5; helper script to show weather from in FARR searchbox; wttr details and syntax at ; prepare wttr URL (must escape each % character with `)vUrl := "`%c+`%t+`%C"; example output: ☀️ +9°C Sunny ; download weather page to variablevString := urlDownloadToVar(vUrl) ; replace FARR searchbox string with weather string via clipboard paste; clipboard pastes all at once so won't trigger other aliasesvBackup := ClipboardAllClipboard := vStringSend ^a^vsleep 500Clipboard := vBackupvBackup := ""ExitApp ; function: dowload URL and return it as variableUrlDownloadToVar(url, raw :=0){ ; prefix https:// if not found if( !regExMatch(url,"i)https?://") ) url := "https://" url try { hObject:=ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") hObject.Open("GET",url) hObject.Send() return raw ? hObject.ResponseBody : hObject.ResponseText }catch err{ MsgBox % err.message } return 0}
Here are some alternative ways to use wttr in FARR
* Load the wttr URL as embedded webpage in FARR
* Run a script to get the URL weather text and show as a FARR results line via appcapresults
* Run a script to get the URL weather text and show it in FARR searchbox via FARR's command line parameter -searchBut in all these three cases FARR does not show the unicode weather emoji correctly.
However wttr also has options for richer output formats such as multiline or even mapped weather reports as .png images, and that could probably look quite nice in FARR's HTML view.
Cool idea, but wouldn't it be easier to have the weather be shown in the results?
something like an alias with htmlviewurl in the results?
Cool idea, but wouldn't it be easier to have the weather be shown in the results?
something like an alias with htmlviewurl in the results?
-skajfes (November 24, 2020, 05:45 AM)
--- End quote ---
Then the emoji did not show correctly when I tested it - see note at the end of my post. But works for only text/numbers.
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