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Listary 6
If I'm not alone, why does the world prefer to write horrible software?
-Tuxman (August 28, 2018, 11:56 AM)
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Because it's paid for by companies that only care about the bottom line?
20MB these days is literally nothing...
-Stephen66515 (August 28, 2018, 01:05 PM)
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[ Invalid Attachment ]
-Deozaan (August 28, 2018, 02:42 PM)
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Well played, Deo. Well played. :Thmbsup:
Why would you want to only be able to store the same number of applications on a much larger drive?
-Tuxman (August 28, 2018, 02:14 PM)
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Who can fault that logic? :o
The Listary forums came to the conclusion that Listary 6 "final" will never be released. It's been quite some time since the dev has posted any updates anyway.
I am currently evaluating Wox as a replacement. It is a decent launcher with a good plugin system (except that it uses Python for those), but it does not integrate into the Open dialog. (FARR does not do that either, right? :D)
except that it uses Python for those
-Tuxman (November 17, 2020, 04:53 PM)
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Not just Python. You can use a variety of languages it appears. It's interesting that it uses Everything for the search functions.
Ah, I should have read the manual. You are right, there seems to be no language limitation:
Going to continue this in its own thread: WoX Launcher.
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