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IDEA: Battery indicator in Window Titles

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Here's my take on this snack:

Still early and not feature complete, but the basic functionality is there.  It looks like this:


* Currently, it updates every fifteen seconds (will be made configurable at some point).
* A plus in front of the battery glyph shows that you're charging (plugged in) while a minus shows that you're discharging (not plugged in).
* Exiting from the tray icon should clean up the titlebars' text.
* This suffers from the same issue as Chris' in that windows that constantly update their titlebar text will remove the battery info.  However, the fifteen second timer will bring it back.

That looks great Skwire, but Avira just quarantined it (even though VirusTotal showed no problems). False positive, I'm sure, but I'm going to need some time to find a workaround to eventually test it!

I'm going to need some time to find a workaround-SleepingWolf (November 11, 2020, 04:44 PM)
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Is there no way to whitelist a file within Avira?

(EDIT -deleted duplicated screenshot)

Is there no way to whitelist a file within Avira?

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You would think so. I must admit, I'm getting more and more annoyed with Avira and other non-standard, simplyfied guis -I can't help wondering if there are more Avira tools installed than are shown in the Windows menu. One 'page' somewhere of the options -probably when I sent off the file for analysis, did not fit on my screen properly and therefore I'm guessing some controls -such as a save button were not shown. Clicking on the 'settings' button in Security gives me the following underwhelming set of options to change... "Language".    Amazing...

IDEA: Battery indicator in Window Titles

To me, Avira seemed more like a virus than many of the virii it protected against.


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