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IDEA: Battery indicator in Window Titles

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P.S.  I'm not fussy about how the title looks, but feel it should be shorter, something like...
original title [BATT:34%]

The command that he put in his post can be run from the command line- have you tried that on the computer in question?

P.S.  I'm not fussy about how the title looks, but feel it should be shorter, something like...
original title [BATT:34%]
-SleepingWolf (November 10, 2020, 11:56 AM)
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I'll try allow custom text, it may take me a little to get to it.

The command that he put in his post can be run from the command line- have you tried that on the computer in question?
-wraith808 (November 10, 2020, 12:38 PM)
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I'm glad you told me that -I didn't recognize it, wondered if it was a C call or something.

So, I tried it, it worked!

IDEA: Battery indicator in Window Titles

Progress update: I have it mostly working. The issue I am facing is that I am using the window CLASS for identification. If the title text changes from a different outside source (i.e. path change on an explorer window) the text will revert back to the initial text. Here is a short gif showing what I mean -


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