Software > N.A.N.Y. 2021
NANY 2021: Only 8 Weeks To Go!
Submitted Battery Icons
* Colorfull tray battery icons
* Select battery icons for up to 25,50,75 and 100 percentage
* Flash battery icon when less than 25 percentage
* Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery less than 25 percentage
* Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery fully charged
Submitted Battery Icons
* Colorfull tray battery icons
* Select battery icons for up to 25,50,75 and 100 percentage
* Flash battery icon when less than 25 percentage
* Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery less than 25 percentage
* Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery fully charged
-anandcoral (November 16, 2020, 04:11 AM)
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Anybody else gonna be submitting anything?!
I've been awol for a couple of months now learning stuff for my crazy youtube board game channel, but will be working more on my NANY submissions and other DC software updates soon.
I've been awol for a couple of months now learning stuff for my crazy youtube board game channel, but will be working more on my NANY submissions and other DC software updates soon.
-mouser (November 17, 2020, 02:27 PM)
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Write something about optimism.
this afternoon I was searching for an app for telling me the number of the day of the year
this year is wonderful. Is "bisiesto".
I've been awol for a couple of months now learning stuff for my crazy youtube board game channel, but will be working more on my NANY submissions and other DC software updates soon.
-mouser (November 17, 2020, 02:27 PM)
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And so you should!
Come on lovelies! Let's see what you can all bring to NANY this year!!
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