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The Great Suspender - Chrome extension to use less CPU/RAM

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I saw that others here use the The Great Suspender Chrome extension too, but I felt it deserves its own thread. :)

I've been using it for a long time, but only somewhat recently I decided to change its settings again: I now allow it to suspend everything after only 15 minutes (it's smart enough to not do so when you are still actively using a tab, like writing a forum post) - even the active tabs of all the currently open Chrome windows, which I excluded before. I only put very few URLs on the exclusion list, the sites I use most often.

The result? Chrome feels faster than before, CPU load went down even more! :)

The setting "automatically unsuspend when tab gains focus" is fast enough for me (using a SSD), only Gmail is a bit slow to load.

Thanks for highlighting this. I installed it after seeing your post here and am liking it so far. :Thmbsup:

Thanks for highlighting this. I installed it after seeing your post here and am liking it so far. :Thmbsup:
-Deozaan (October 27, 2020, 05:30 PM)
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Same here!

You're welcome! :) It's one of those extensions I recommend to everyone who's using more than a few Chrome tabs/windows at the same time.

You're welcome! :) It's one of those extensions I recommend to everyone who's using more than a few Chrome tabs/windows at the same time.
-brotherS (October 30, 2020, 03:58 AM)
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I use tabs like I should use bookmarks. So that definitely describes me.

Sucks when some random event causes my browser to forget all the tabs that were open in the previous session though...


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