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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

What, if anything, has IMPROVED for you as a result of the pandemic?

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Reduced prices.
-KodeZwerg (October 20, 2020, 03:55 AM)
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Where ?

Here the prices have actually increased due to shortage and non-running of transport.

Working from home, but not comfortable as office setup is missing.
Yes, can start work late and no need to dress.



Stoic Joker:
The best thing for me is other people adapting so that more things can be done without me having to interact with humans in person :)
-mouser (October 20, 2020, 02:33 AM)
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Agreed, but for some of us it's best not to go too far with that, lest we go cave shopping and completely withdraw from society.

Seriously...the temptation is always there gnawing at the edges, because alone is oh so much "safer"..

Working from home, but not comfortable as office setup is missing.
-anandcoral (October 20, 2020, 05:31 AM)
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My job actually gave us a work from home allowance.  As I was already working from home, I just upgraded my setup with a nice new monitor, and a very nice chair.  I've never had a $500 chair before... I've always been of the opinion that a more expensive chair is just a luxury, even though I sit much of the day (depending on how much I use my standing station).  I see the allure now.

Now I'm wondering what the even more expensive chairs offer...

When I told people I got food stamps they asked how much I got a month.  When I said $16 they laughed.  But with the pandemic they boosted everyone to the max allotment.  From March to September that was $194 for single head of household.  This month it was bumped up to $204.

This has allowed me to enjoy some desserts and other goodies on occasion without breaking the bank.  Also the stimulus check helped a bit.  Additionally trains and buses in Miami are free during the emergency.  On the downside water fountains are disabled everywhere.  If I am thirsty I shell out for Evian low sodium.  Good thing I have the temporary food stamp increase.   :Thmbsup:

The big bummer for me is not being able to buy a hot meal and sit down to eat it.  Everything is to go.  No fun finding someplace to eat in the rain.  Some of the Starbucks have a couple of seats inside.  But for the most part the seating consists of tiny square tables under umbrellas outside.

Less people around ... but unfortunately the good times are coming to an end as we get closer to exiting Stage 4 lockdown.


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