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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

What, if anything, has IMPROVED for you as a result of the pandemic?

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New hobby?
Learning more?
Developing new skills?
Better immediate family time?
Realization of long-term objectives?
Freedom to work in your underwear?

I'm not a second class citizen working from home.

(then again, they also decided that now would be a good time to send us new windows 10 laptops, locked down so that we're not admin as devs and change the AD, so ... meh.)

My boss told all of us to work from home whenever possible. His whole life he has been struggling with asthma. Even had to stay home for a whole school year because of having so much trouble he could barely be around other people and whatever remnants of pets the other children took from home into class. That was not a happy time for him and doesn't want to gamble his own health to have "first class" citizens around him the whole day. He created a office next to his home, so he can spend his time between work and family or dive in his swimming pool, whenever he feels like doing these things.

So...a strange notion to have. Then again, whatever floats your boat.

Back to the subject of the OP:
Freedom of working in slightly more than underwear has actually been a blessing. Spring started here below the equator and it is already very hot here. Between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius at night. Too lazy to translate that into Fahrenheit right now. Summer will be like hell here this year. Shedding clothes helps to cope with that heat.

A lack of commute also provides a bit of time to learn about things outside of work, yet work-related. Found those 2 extra hours a day a nice period to spend on that, if I'm honest.

The best thing for me is other people adapting so that more things can be done without me having to interact with humans in person :)

Interaction with others on a more sensitive manner. (not virtual, real talkings)
Reduced prices.


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