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[BUG] Thumbnails never updated if Preserve Date/Time after Edit option used


Thumbnails never updated if Preserve Date/Time after Edit option used.

I was using internal editing only like "crop to selection".


Oh that's an interesting observation.. It may be a windows system thing..  I wonder if I could work around it by just tweaking the date/time ahead by 1 second..

Oh that's an interesting observation.. It may be a windows system thing..  I wonder if I could work around it by just tweaking the date/time ahead by 1 second..
-mouser (October 11, 2020, 10:30 PM)
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Well you know I was editing it, I'd just refresh that thumbnail after no matter what (at least when that option is on).

Also is there a reason screenshot captor doesn't set the date-taken (and similar) metadata?  Date-taken would allow for recovery of timestamps no matter what has happened.


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