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How to delete a folder that Windows can't find?

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Stoic Joker:
"How to delete a folder that Windows can't find?" -- sounds like a zen koan
-mouser (October 07, 2020, 12:13 AM)
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It was for a lot of FTP admins back in the day. Pirates would search for an un or poorly secured FTP server, and the create a folder tree with a space as one of the folder names using a Linux client (which allowed it..). Warez shoppers could easily traverse the path from outside, but the FTP admin could not see the hidden - space named - folder on their server using the Windows Explorer shell … Until the used space on the drive started to draw attention to something being very (very...) wrong.

I know the issue is already resolved, but here's another potential suggestion for anyone else who may come across this thread in the future. When problems like this crop up on my PC, I just boot into a Linux Live USB (usually Linux Mint) and delete the files from there. :Thmbsup:
-Deozaan (October 06, 2020, 09:58 PM)
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That would take (me) more time though. 8) And is Linux able to handle NTFS?
-brotherS (October 07, 2020, 05:30 AM)
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I just always have a thumb drive with Linux on it hanging around just in case my Windows install dies and I need to boot into an OS that will allow me to attempt repairs or at least back up files before wiping the OS drive to reinstall. So it's not much time for me at all.

And yes, Linux can handle NTFS.

Ah, good to know. :)

For a GUI, try Helge Klein SetACL Studio. It will delete anything. Product page here, no cost (used to be commercial).
-x16wda (October 06, 2020, 05:58 AM)
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I found two more folders that couldn't be deleted, but this time on external drives, not C: - this time, rmdir failed twice, but SetACL Studio got the job done. NICE! :)

For a GUI, try Helge Klein SetACL Studio. It will delete anything. Product page here, no cost (used to be commercial).
-x16wda (October 06, 2020, 05:58 AM)
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Last year I had one folder it couldn't delete, couldn't do anything with it.
Can't remember what happened in the end, think I gave up and reinstalled Windows or formatted the drive.
Most obstinate file/folder I've had in 40+ years of playing with computers 🤣


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