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Flatten Folder Menu - Adds "Flatten" context menu to folders (v0.2.0)

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Flatten Folder Menu

Adds "Flatten" context menu to folders in Windows Explorer.

⬇️ Downloads:

[*] @ (Mouser's site, recommended! :up:)
[*] @ GitHub tag[/list]

Made for: nkormanik, Pbx01, justW3.

Original thread: contextmenu addon feature (alike LevelZap)

Usage video:

Source code: Flatten folder menu @ GitHub

Targets Microsoft .NET framework v4.5

[*]Add AlphaFS library for long path support.

[*]Add/Remove via button.
    [*]Detects current active status.
    [*]One-click menu operation.

Day #106, Week #15 @ April 16, 2023


Release supporters:

[*]Jesse Reichler (A.K.A. Mouser from
[*]Max P.
[*]Kathryn S.
[*]Will you be our next supporter? :)

💗 Support:

One-time Paypal @
Our Patreon page @
Email/Paypal: [email protected]

Thanks & keep on rocking! 👍

For completeness I added a link to here in the other thread

Thank you Tom! Appreciated :-*

For completeness I added a link to here in the other thread
-tomos (September 27, 2020, 04:00 AM)
--- End quote ---

Victor, three questions:

1.  How does Flatten Folder deal with same-name files?

2.  What is the upper limit number of files that can be processed that have the same name?

3.  What is the upper limit number of total files that can be processed?


Nicholas Kormanik

Hello & good day! There you go:

1.  How does Flatten Folder deal with same-name files?-nkormanik (November 10, 2021, 04:08 AM)
--- End quote ---

Renames by adding a string based on epoch + file index in the batch.

2.  What is the upper limit number of files that can be processed that have the same name?-nkormanik (November 10, 2021, 04:08 AM)
--- End quote ---

As many as needed.

3.  What is the upper limit number of total files that can be processed?-nkormanik (November 10, 2021, 04:08 AM)
--- End quote ---

No upper limit! --As much as your computer can handle ;)

Cheers!  :Thmbsup:


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